What is the Return On Investment of my website?

Some tell us that, when we get a new website, customers from all over the world will come streaming in. To most of us, this never happened. But at the same time we've invested quite a bit in our website. And we are being held accountable for this.

So what is the Return On Investment of our website? Where do we start, count the number of visitors or may be page views? Will that impress your management team?

Let's take a different approach all together. Money talks!

First of all we've invested in our website to convey messages to our target audience. So we need to find out if we've achieved this goal, did we spend our money wisely?
Second, we want to compare how effective our website is in generating leads with respect to a trade fair or a customer day. We do this by using "cost per lead".
And thirdly, our website should to have a measurable impact on sales. We can use the number of proposals and revenue generated by leads from our website for this.

Target audience

In SimplyLeads dashboard you'll find three pie charts that show you your target audience.

SimlyLeads dashboard pie charts

The first pie chart shows the persona (or profile) of this month's visitors. This profile shows in what sections of your website visitors showed genuine interest. This means they have spent a certain amount of time on pre-selected pages. In this case we find 22% of the visitors have been assigned a profile, so we are effectively communicating with these visitors.

The second pie chart shows the so-called Network type. Where "Company" means the percentage of visitors coming from companies and "Governmental" means the percentage of visitors coming from governmental organizations like schools etc.

The third pie chart shows the country of origin, which is self-explanatory.

Overall we may conclude that about 22% of the visitors on our website represent our target audience. Which is not bad considering that some websites only attract a few percent.

Cost per lead

Also on the SimplyLeads dashboard you'll find two lists of companies, first time companies and returning companies.

SimlyLeads dashboard company list

First of all you can confirm wether these companies represent your target audience.

Marketing managers who use SimplyLeads pass these company names on to their sales department or include them their other marketing activities like a newsletter or put them on the invite list for the next customer day.

Returning companies means that a visitor of that company returned or, more interestingly, a colleague of the first visitor also visited. In the later case, this is an additional confirmation that this company is in the market for our solutions.

Once you have these lists, calculating "cost per lead" form your website is getting really easy.

Impact on sales

Feedback from the sales department on the number of proposals they send to website leads and revenue from that, gives you the right numbers for your ROI.

Website ROI

Put together, these three topics substantiate our return on website investments. They are easy to put together with SimplyLeads and you'll have an up-to-date report at the click of a button.

Author: Luc Jansen
Luc Jansen
Founder SimplyLeads, Eindhoven
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